24th-26th September, 2025
Cauchy-Riemann Geometry
and Subelliptic Theory
Matera (Italy)
"The authors of this book believe that subelliptic PDEs are bound to play within CR geometry the strong role played by elliptic theory in Riemannian geometry."
Sorin Dragomir & Giuseppe Tomassini,
Differential Geometry and Analysis on CR Manifolds
The aim of this conference is to gather experts in the study of Cauchy-Riemann geometry and Subelliptic Theory and draw attention on the interplay between CR Geometry and the results and techniques of Subelliptic Theory. Topics include:
Cauchy-Riemann and pseudohermitian geometry and related aspects in contact, conformal and Lorentzian geometries
Carnot groups, Hörmander systems
Sub-Riemannian geometry, Carnot-Carathéodory spaces
Partial Differential Equations with subelliptic operators
Harmonic maps theory and its ramifications
The conference will also be the opportunity to celebrate Professor Sorin Dragomir’s career on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.
Invited speakers
Anna Maria Fino
Università di Torino, IT
Howard Jacobowitz,
Rutgers University, USA, TBC
Ermanno Lanconelli
Università di Bologna, IT
Antonio Lotta
Università di Bari, IT
Francine Meylan
Université de Fribourg, CH
Mauro Nacinovich
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", IT
Marco Peloso
Università degli Studi di Milano, IT, TBC
Diego Pallara
Università del Salento, IT
Domenico Perrone
Università del Salento, IT
Marc Soret
Université de Tours , FR TBC
Giuseppe Tomassini
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, IT
Francesca Tripaldi
Leeds University, UK
Università della Basilicata
Campus Universitario
Via Lanera n. 20, 75100 Matera
Take part in CauRiGeST-25!
Contact us:
If you wish to contact the organizing committee, please write to caurigest-25 at unibas.it